Monday, January 3, 2011

When an orange isn't an orange

Hello, This blog will be more of a question than a blog. To wit: why is the fruit the orange, the only fruit named for its color... I mean you have bananas which are yellow in color, but you don't call yellows bananas, unless you are my wife talking about the new color she wants the bathroom to be... My point of view is there are three kinds of yellow... There is light yellow, then yellow, which is followed by dark yellow and regardless of the shade of yellow one might like the bathroom to be... I still say its not a place to be painted yellow at all... how will we tell when our young son misses the toilet again and hits the wall, if it is painted yellow, it will all kind of just run together... now I am not saying he goes to the bathroom like a sprinkler set on high, but at his young age, his aim is not there just yet... but he is trying and getting better day by day....   So I will leave this entry open to comments from the readers... Anyone out there have a different point of view ?

My thought for the day is: No man ever stands taller, then when he is bend down helping his fellow man.

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