Sunday, January 2, 2011

A memory of Yosemite at Christmas time

Has my wife and I took down the Christmas tree decorations today, we came across one from Yosemite National Park, in California. It looked like one of the many we have picked up during our travels, my wife needs only two things from our trips, a Christmas decoration and a magnet, so every day we see little reminders of where we have been and every year, we have a Christmas tree covered with special little memories... But this decoration brought back a little memory my wife remembers in a some what different way, it was when she and her former husband had gone to Yosemite and when they got there at two in the morning, she had to set up the gear at Camp Curry alone, because he was too tired again... Now, let me set the picture here, its two in the morning, so its darker then the bottom of a well and Camp Curry is a tent city area, which have wood frames and canvas sides and tops and are always dusty, spring, summer, and fall... and the only furniture within them are old army cots and blankets, you bring the rest....
    Now, back to the real story, my wife needed to nurse her new born child and still had to deal with another little six year old, which her husband agreed to watch, went to the public wash rooms to set up for the nursing of the new born, etc... but being the person who had just spent the last seven hours keeping the children quite, so her former husband wouldn't get upset and not be disturbed by the children, etc... was only half awake and is now walking through the tents towards the wash room area and slightly hears someone coming up behind her shining a flash light back and forth, and yelling something that which she could not make out... for she was half asleep, had just finish setting up tent alone, and just wanted to clean up and feed her child... anyone wondering why he is now her former husband.  Just before she reached the wash area, a large black dog and her puppy walked right in front of her, so close, she could have reached out and touched them...  after they had passed, she went on to the wash area.
    It was only after she was inside the wash room, that she started thinking about what had just happen to her... and she then realized it hadn't been a big black dog and her puppy, but a large black bear and her cub, out looking for food among the camp site and  the man with flash light, had been a Park Ranger, trying to keep her from running into the bear and her cub.... I guess he had bear duty that night, don't laugh, its a real job.  So to bring this story to an end, I hope you and yours had a Great Holiday together... and I wish one and all a Happy New Year.

My thought for the day: Being married is the best thing that has ever happen to me...  so my wife keeps telling me.

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