Saturday, January 8, 2011

Toilet paper

When I was single, I would buy a twelve pack of toilet paper and it would last me up to, if not a whole month. Now that I am married with children, it has been brought to my attention that will just not due, between my wife and our daughter, they go through a twelve pack quicker then our son goes through a bag of jelly beans, and that is by no means slow... I understand that there are certain physical differences between the lads and the ladies, and that some of our bathroom needs don't require the use of as much toilet paper as theres does... and I remember all the old jokes about the amount of paper needs between the two sexes... But, dam if they aren't right... between my wife and the daughter, a twelve pack just does make... that might last two weeks at best, but no more... and at let us not forget....  the kind of paper I buy, it must be of certain brand or level of quality, for no other will do... because if you buy a sub standard type of paper, they just use it twice as fast and you than have to go buy more, which I am doing already as it is.  I have now been forced, well that may not be the best word to use, let us go with compelled to buy those twenty four packs of extra thick toilet paper, and if  I am lucky, that might just make it to the end of the month...

This all reminds me of a story of when I was dating a lady, many, many, many years ago... and I had bought some toilet paper at a certain discount store, of which all items within same were only $0.99 cents... anyway, I though it was fine paper, taking in to fact what I was going to be using it for... but she advised me that while she didn't like the color, and her being such a fan of gone with the wind, she really didn't care for the tiny and I do mean tiny bits of wood you could see in the paper, she went on and on about getting a splinter, etc... and my joke of being more than willing to help with removal of any said splinters did not go over well...  anyway, rather it be a woman from my past or my lovely wife, a man point of view regarding toilet paper just doesn't matter.

My thought for the day: You can never have enough toilet paper, its like condoms, when you need it, you need it now, so its better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it.

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