They didn't have T.V. Remotes when I was young... for that matter color T.V. was just starting to make it big when I was a child... In fact, I was the very first remote in our home... I had to stand by the T.V. clicking to each and every channel, until they... being the parents saw something of interest... and God help you if you turned the plastic dial too fast or it would just come off in your hand... and then you had to get out the pliers and clip them onto the inner metal knob and rubber band the handles, so they would stay on and that was how you would change the channel, until they brought a new switch... funny how the weakest part of the knob was the section that went onto the the channel changer... We went through a lot of plastic channel changer knobs at my house... until the remote control came about. The very first ones only turned the T.V. on and off and changed the channel... volume control didn't come until much later... so you still had to be ready to get off the sofa and lower or raise the volume as needed.
So now I have three remote controls and each one as a slightly different function then its mate and if you want to watch a DVD you need all three to adjust the channel and then the volume and the last one works the DVD player... when I try to tell the kids how it was back in my day... their little eyes just glaze over as they stick there ear buds back into their ears and look back at there computer or d.s., etc... and then I remember how I use to just listen to my parents, as the told their story of listening to the radio and only seeing the pictures in their minds... and how I couldn't wait until they were done, so I could go back to watching the T.V. I guess somethings never do change, and only as you get older do you come to understand how much nicer it would have been to just turn off the T.V. and really listen to your Father or Mother telling there stories about how things were back when... it would give you so many more memories to remember when they are gone.
My thought for the day: Family, you don't know what your missing, until its gone...
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