Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Arizona funeral for little girl killed by gunman...

Like many right now, I feel very sad by what has happen in Tucson, Arizona... One lone man,( and I use the term man loosely here), with a hand gun turned the lives of so many around, in killing six people and wounding many more... its sad enough that countless T.V. and political persons are using this to bring up gun control and so on and so forth, to their own needs... Even Barbara Boxer jumped on the band wagon, using it for her need to get a few more minutes of camera time... This is all sad enough, But now I have heard that a group of Church folk wanted to picket the little girl's funeral, again for their own needs... I believe this to be the same group that goes to military women and men's funerals and pickets them as well, and once again for their own need... Well, I have a need, I need people to remember that while you have the right in our Great Nation to speak out on your point of view, regardless of what that is... You must also remember to respect the rights of others to have a funeral in peace... I know the reason why these Good Church Folk picket the funerals they do, but I will not gave the reason voice here, it would some how to me, just be wrong... Isn't that odd in this day and age, someone who doesn't do something, not because he can or can't, but just because it would just not be the right thing to do... Then again that is just my point of view... My heart goes out to all of the people dealing with the pain they are going through right now and No parent should ever have to bury their children, this is a pain beyond compare... and to all those who have taken this sad moment and used it to their own ends... I say please stop and leave these people in peace...

 My thought for the day:  If, as the News media, etc... would have us believe... Everyone in Arizona has a gun with them, if this were true... Then why didn't anyone shoot the guy, who was shooting at all those people.... maybe the News media, etc... just didn't get it right... does that mean the forth estate got it wrong ? I wonder what else they may have gotten wrong over the years...

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