Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Father's Love ???

     I have a step son and daughter, and they are both great kids, they have good days and bad, etc... had a little issue with something their father did, to wit: the new game called portal two came out a few days ago and our son came home from his father's and told us that his father had already put money down on the game several weeks before it came out, to make sure and get a copy for him to play. But, it would only be for a game system that is at their Father's home and thusly could not come to our home, etc...  A little back ground data, our daughter doesn't like to go to her father's home, for several reasons, which I will touch base's on at another time, but it is her choice and her mother and I believe her reasons are fair.

     Now, back the to issue at hand, we got our daughter a copy of the game and gave it to her as an early Birthday present, because her mother and I believed that her father was doing what he did, to draw his daughter to his home, not the first time he has pulled this nor will it be the last. I am sure...  Anyway, our son was so over the top with joy, on the morning the game came out he was going to get a copy of the game and he had already found out there was a special code to up grade they system, etc... and just couldn't wait to get his hands on the game... and before he left for school that day, he told his Mother and I that he was going to get a second game for his sister, for her Birthday, so she could play the game too, we told him that we had already got her one, so he didn't have to, and thusly we thought all was well.  (NOTE) Both of our kids are A+ students and are not spoiled, and no, we do not buy them everything they want.

     That night when he came home, he told us that his father had not picked up game and they were going to which over the down payment to something else, it was there mid-week day together, when they go out for dinner, etc...  he didn't really want to talk about it and it was late, so he went to bed...
it took about a day for the full answers to come out, but it was as we thought, their father knew that his daughter wanted this game in the worst way and he was once again using his son, to try and get to his daughter and compel her to come over and see him, again I ask you to understand, our daughter has very good reasons for not wanting to see him or go over to her father's home... Why would a man, let alone a father do this to his children....

Monday, March 7, 2011

Why are gas prices so high....

Well the answer to the $64.oo question is.... Because it can be !  sound odd, well just think about it, every summer prices go up and at the end of summer, they go back down. Why, is there a shortage of gas at the start of summer and then too much at the end ???   No, its because the gas company knows you go on vacation, which means more driving, road trips, etc... and when summer is over.... you get the point.  Well it takes about six weeks to two months to process oil into gas, so how can problems going on in the middle east today, cause the prices on gas processed two months ago to go up, it can't... it just the oil company's seeing a chance to make more money... just like they do in the summer.  If you think gas cost a lot now, I remember when it was $00.29 cents a gallon, and candy bars cost a dime, etc... everything cost more each and every year you live on this earth and it will never stop... Oh' and by the way.... Yes, things were better made, etc... then they are today and you fix things when they broke....

Thought for the day: Be born rich... it better in the long run.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Getting your first daughter in your forties...

Having a teenage daughter in your forties is no real big issue, unless you were never married nor had kids and just found one day you happen to fall in Love with a woman who has two kids and one of them just happens to being a teenager and a girl to boot... Over night I became a dad to two great kids... and understood just what I had been missing all those years.  Like having a bag of chips still be there two days after opening them or having the T.V. remote be where you left it, just the little things like that... Of course these are the minor issues I now deal with, because I have now found myself part of a family, where everyone has an opinion and no issue sharing it, as the do the chips.

Thought for the day:  Kids are a lot like cars, it doesn't really matter which model you get, just treat then well and take care of them and always make sure they get to their appointments on time... Rather it be an oil change or going to see a doctor... No good will come from missing either appointment.  (RLN).

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hello Wife....

Hi Honey, Just wanted to take a few minutes and say Thank you for all the years that we have had together, I am, without a doubt, one of the happiest men on earth... Well, at least happier then the president and/or leader of Egypt right now... What with the riots and the police being unable to stop them and now the Army is in the streets with their U.S. Vietnam war era left over M-60 tanks and M113, etc...  Sorry, back to you my beautiful wife... Thank you for always being there and letting me be there for you... I am very Happy you caught me, after I chased after you for so long.  I wonder just how long it will be before your sister returns your calls, too bad she lives so close, yet keeps herself so far away from those who Love her...   I guess being in Law enforcement causes walls, even between sisters...  Thank God none of those walls will ever come between us... 

My thought for the day: Tanks will win the battle but never the war.   (countless hippies)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Half dome at Yosemite National Park California


If or when you ever get a chance to go to Yosemite National Park in California... Please do stop to see the Half dome... it is by far one of the most beautiful sights to see in the park, along with countless sights, rivers, woods to wonder through, etc... and  the best time for the water fails are April to June... But be careful of the bears and try a night at there local hotel....

My thought for the day:  Take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but foot prints.  (Unknown)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

No post for the last few days....

Hello and Sorry I wasn't able to post anything for the last few days, took a few days off and spend time with my family... Just started thinking about what happen in Arizona and felt the need to spend time with the ones I loved... Saw that our President used the sad issue to have us all come together and heal as a Nation... Wonder which one of his aides came up with that ideal or was it just social pressure...  Regardless, I wonder how the families of those who died and were shot felt about it... Well, I guess its just like the song from the 1980's Dirty laundry said.... kick'em when there up.. kickem when there down....   I wonder who is wrong here... the forth estate or us for needing to see it... Than again it is just my point of view.

My thought for the day:  Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking.  (H.L.Mencken).

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Arizona funeral for little girl killed by gunman...

Like many right now, I feel very sad by what has happen in Tucson, Arizona... One lone man,( and I use the term man loosely here), with a hand gun turned the lives of so many around, in killing six people and wounding many more... its sad enough that countless T.V. and political persons are using this to bring up gun control and so on and so forth, to their own needs... Even Barbara Boxer jumped on the band wagon, using it for her need to get a few more minutes of camera time... This is all sad enough, But now I have heard that a group of Church folk wanted to picket the little girl's funeral, again for their own needs... I believe this to be the same group that goes to military women and men's funerals and pickets them as well, and once again for their own need... Well, I have a need, I need people to remember that while you have the right in our Great Nation to speak out on your point of view, regardless of what that is... You must also remember to respect the rights of others to have a funeral in peace... I know the reason why these Good Church Folk picket the funerals they do, but I will not gave the reason voice here, it would some how to me, just be wrong... Isn't that odd in this day and age, someone who doesn't do something, not because he can or can't, but just because it would just not be the right thing to do... Then again that is just my point of view... My heart goes out to all of the people dealing with the pain they are going through right now and No parent should ever have to bury their children, this is a pain beyond compare... and to all those who have taken this sad moment and used it to their own ends... I say please stop and leave these people in peace...

 My thought for the day:  If, as the News media, etc... would have us believe... Everyone in Arizona has a gun with them, if this were true... Then why didn't anyone shoot the guy, who was shooting at all those people.... maybe the News media, etc... just didn't get it right... does that mean the forth estate got it wrong ? I wonder what else they may have gotten wrong over the years...