I have a step son and daughter, and they are both great kids, they have good days and bad, etc... had a little issue with something their father did, to wit: the new game called portal two came out a few days ago and our son came home from his father's and told us that his father had already put money down on the game several weeks before it came out, to make sure and get a copy for him to play. But, it would only be for a game system that is at their Father's home and thusly could not come to our home, etc... A little back ground data, our daughter doesn't like to go to her father's home, for several reasons, which I will touch base's on at another time, but it is her choice and her mother and I believe her reasons are fair.
Now, back the to issue at hand, we got our daughter a copy of the game and gave it to her as an early Birthday present, because her mother and I believed that her father was doing what he did, to draw his daughter to his home, not the first time he has pulled this nor will it be the last. I am sure... Anyway, our son was so over the top with joy, on the morning the game came out he was going to get a copy of the game and he had already found out there was a special code to up grade they system, etc... and just couldn't wait to get his hands on the game... and before he left for school that day, he told his Mother and I that he was going to get a second game for his sister, for her Birthday, so she could play the game too, we told him that we had already got her one, so he didn't have to, and thusly we thought all was well. (NOTE) Both of our kids are A+ students and are not spoiled, and no, we do not buy them everything they want.
That night when he came home, he told us that his father had not picked up game and they were going to which over the down payment to something else, it was there mid-week day together, when they go out for dinner, etc... he didn't really want to talk about it and it was late, so he went to bed...
it took about a day for the full answers to come out, but it was as we thought, their father knew that his daughter wanted this game in the worst way and he was once again using his son, to try and get to his daughter and compel her to come over and see him, again I ask you to understand, our daughter has very good reasons for not wanting to see him or go over to her father's home... Why would a man, let alone a father do this to his children....
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